october-moon's Diaryland Diary


The (possible) beginning of life

I've had quite a bit on my mind. Last night, I decided that I want to go to the University of Cincinnati. I'll start off at a community college, Raymond Walters College, get my associates, and transfer to University of Cincinnati to get my bachelors. So far, I've decided to get my associates in Liberal Arts, which will prepare me to major in almost every area I am considering. I've picked out Asian Studies, English, Psychology, and Criminal Justice as possible majors. The only major out of all of those that Liberal Arts (probably) wouldn't prepare me for is Criminal Justice. I was leaning toward Criminal Justice earlier today, which would mean I would have to take Pre-Criminal Justice at Raymond Walters. I may pursue a career in the FBI. It's always been on my list of possibly careers. Ever since I fell in love with the X-Files, I've wanted to be in the FBI.

Of course, I will probably end up majoring in Psychology, which I have no problem with, considering it's something I'm so keen on. Maybe I will major in both Criminal Justice and Psychology. The possiblities are endless.

This is just the beginning of life for me and I'm so thrilled to be living right now. This is the beginning of everything I've dreamed and hoped for.

I'm so excited about making the decision about what college I want to go to. It's so exciting because I've never really "decided" on something and had it feel so "right".

Who would have thought that London could possibly become mine?

Oh yes, I wanted to point out to everyone who hasnt noticed, that I now have a guestbook and an e-mail link on my little menu in the lower right corner of my diary. Sign the guestbook! I'd love to hear your comments and thoughts on anything.

5:54 p.m.

I don't understand why Diaryland doesnt have a program that you can download so you can update from your desktop. I think that would be cool. You wouldn't have to go into Internet Explorer everytime you wanted to update.

I've eliminated my majors choices down to 3: English, Psychology, and Criminal Justice. I decided against Asian Studies because I dont plan on getting a career that would require me to speak an Asian language or have knowledge of Asian countries. I love Asian culture and I'm learning Chinese and Japanese, but I know my energy and dedication is needed elsewhere right now.

So, I'm trying to decide whether I want to write or be in law enforcement. Where am I needed most? Would I improve the world more being in law enforcement or as a writer? I have such a passion for writing. I would write down every single thing if I had the time and paper. I want to share every single feeling with the world. I want them to understand what I feel deep in my heart. But I feel so drawn to law enforcement. After what happened with Holly and Jessica and Carlie, I feel like its a responsibilty for me to work in law enforcement.

It's not about what I WANT to do, its about what I NEED to do. For my own sake and sanity, I need to stop children from going missing. It torments my mind all the time and I have a need to prevent it. I have a need to prevent all crime, but I know that's impossible. But I know I can help prevent it.

It just occured to me, that if I'm planning on moving to London, I won't be able to work in the FBI. lol Scratch that idea. With a degree in Criminal Justice, I could get a job in law enforcement just about anywhere, I believe.

I'm thinking of double majoring in Psychology and Criminal Justice. Yeah, that sounds right.

6:35 a.m. - Sunday, Feb. 22, 2004


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