october-moon's Diaryland Diary


What the hell?!

"Where do I put this fire, this bright red feeling?"

Talk about fucking shit. I fucking hate life right now.
Laura isn't around anymore, as I've written before. But, of course, Gavin is right there in my face, telling me Laura said this and Laura said that. Laura has supposedly lied to me about so many things and I'm so fucking confused! I want to believe my best friend but what the hell do I do when I'm being told a 100 different things?!
I've gotten almost perfect grades in at the Uni! My GPA is 3.97. Let's just hope I can keep this up!
I went to class with Ashley (we've been friends for over 10 years!) and let her clean my teeth. She is studying to be a dental hygenist and she needed me as a guinea pig lol So, I sat in a chair for 2 hours while she worked on my teeth and gums. My gum were sore once she got done with me :| Is that normal?
I miss Tracy! I guess she went to Myrtle Beach already:( Oh well, I hope she is having fun and I hope we can talk again soon because I miss our talks:(
Azam and I are no more. I'm sick of 300-dollar phone bills and him being locked up now, for drunk driving. SCREW THAT I don't condone drunk driving AT ALL. So, he can just move on.
But guess who's back! Alan. Yes, that Alan. The one who completely stopped calling me or talking to me. So, now he's back and claiming he's in love with me *sighs* Yep, it's a shocker but what the hell am I supposed to say to him?! I'm certainly not in love with him but I think he's a great, wonderful guy and I like him alot. I'm just wondering about his sudden change of heart *looks suspiciously* I'll have to ask him about it.
Oh, and Rob is back. All the ghosts are coming out! And he claims he still likes me as well. What the hell am I supposed to do?! I went from no guys wanting anything to do with me to 3 at once.
I really like Rob, I think he's a sweet guy and he seems genuine. But Laura did, as well.
And, quite frankly my dear, I am sick of hearing about my pregnant sister. People as bitchy as her shouldn't be allowed to have children. She's a bitch and my mom knows it. Everyone knows it. And I even said it to her face once and she didn't seem to care a bit. Needless to say, I don't like her too very much. But I do love her (at least I think I do?)Honestly, I don't think pregnancy is that wonderful. I've been there and done that and know it's not the most pleasant thing. I mean, I love children and can't wait to have some to raise myself, but I don't think it's something that you have to run out and tell everyone because, quite honestly, not everyone cares. I know that may sound cruel but I've had my experience and I've definitely gotten a cold shoulder from many people. So I learn now not to share things of that manner. So, mother, give it a break. She may be my sister but that doesn't mean I have to be excited about what's going on in her life, do I? Do I have to care? Am I sounding like a complete bitch right now??? I shouldn't really get myself started about that because I have myself in a bit of a situation myself, but I'll save that for another day and another entry...

10:48 a.m. - Sunday, May. 08, 2005


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