october-moon's Diaryland Diary


A rough week

My God, has it really been that long since I wrote in my journal??? I don't even know where to start. I guess I'll start off with my horrible trip to Roanoke, Virginia...
I was enlisted as "nanny" for 3 days while Mary, my cousin, goes to a business meetings on a daily visit. I was to babysit Kasey while she was at the meetings.
No one bothered to mention to me until 2 days before we were to leave that one of Mary's friends from another nursing home would be riding with us. The woman was a complete ass-kiss. She and Mary would blab on and on about what a good child Kasey and kiss Kasey's behind like nothing I've ever seen. The truth is, Kasey is a spoiled-rotten, insulting, cocky little girl who would have no personality if she didn't repeat every action and every word of her mother's. And there is not much I can stand about her smart-mouthed self. I should have kept in mind how much I do not get along with her when I agreed to go on the trip.
We made it to the hotel (Holiday Inn) And everything seemed fine. Except for the fact that everytime I would go to sleep, Mary would wake me up because I was snoring. I know it was probably the most annoying thing in the world so I ended up just getting up, going into the bathroom with my algebra book, and studying. I ended up sleeping until noon and luckily Kasey did for 2 of those 3 days.
When we did go out...this Jane woman that had rode with us went every where we went. For the most part, I got ignored. I suppose that is normal. I was just the babysitter. But Kasey wouldn't even LISTEN to what I said. I had to tell her over and over again to do something. Then she would get mad about it.
I did get to a Barnes and Noble where I bought a Thomas and Charlotte Pitt novel by Anne Perry (the second in my soon-to-be collection), a book about Earth magick which is so very interesting (I can't wait to try some of the meditations and spells out), and I finally found White Oleander by Janet Fitch..so now, I'm reading that. Just leave me in a book store for hours and I'll be just fine. I absolutely love books!
That was the best and only good part of the trip for me.
We got back on Thursday evening and boy was I glad to be home! But I was in such a horrible mood because Kasey and I had a minor arguement in the car because she loves to talk back and be sassy. Well, I don't tolerate it. I say something about it and I did. But the little smart-mouth doesn't have the gull to take it when someone dishes it right back out to her. She needs a good talking to and if I could be the one to do it, I would.
School started back up on Monday, the same day I left. I felt horrible for leaving because I knew I would get behind. And that's just what's wrong now. I'm terribly behind and have to rush to do my work now, 24 hours before the deadline.
If I'm ever asked to do that again, I will definitely have to decline and it may not be a polite decline either. Do I sound hostile? Too bad, so sad!
So, now I'm mentally and physically exhausted and I have all of this work to do. What am I going to do? I don't want to say that I can't do it, because I know that's not the truth. That is my mood right now. Completion by the deadline and success seem impossible right now.
Oh! I forgot. Going book shopping wasn't the only good part of the trip. There was some stunning views along the way. One beautiful spot where there was hardly any light coming through the trees and everything was completely green. A most magnificent sight to behold! The mountains were beautiful and breath-taking. All the green trees and creeping mirtle that covered them....
In the middle of all of this, my period decides to start. Nothing like a crappy trip and a period to start off the school term!

9:35 a.m.

What the hell is wrong with me??? Why am I sitting here writing in my journal when I have more than an overload of work to do? I'm still feeling that it's impossible, that's why. I know it shouldn't be am excuse, but it is.
I pray for strength every night. I pray that I can go beyond my abilities. I wake up the next day feeling with the same feelings of weakness that I had the night and day before. I pray for strength from my God and Goddess but aren't Wiccans taught that you have to find strength within yourself, because all things, including ourselves, contain the God and the Goddess? Is the answer to start looking inside myself instead of waiting for an external answer?

2:23 a.m. - Sunday, Jul. 17, 2005


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