october-moon's Diaryland Diary


My hang-ups and pet peeves

Hmm. I've noticed lately just how many pet peeves and hang-ups I have. I'm such an obsessive person. If I really love something, most likely it will become an obsession. Does that make me psycho? Probably.
Here's my hang-ups:
- I absolutely love love love Asian men. This is my number one "hang-up". I especially love members of the Korean boy-band Shinhwa. A really sad fact is that I have a whole folder in the My Pictures section of my computer of nothing but Shinhwa pictures. It started off with Dong-wan pics, but has now expanded to Andy and JunJin pics as well. ^_^ I also have a folder just for pictures of Japanese actor Hayato Ichihara. *blushes* How old am I again? Shouldn't I be past the boy-crazy phase of my life?
- Tea...anything to do with tea. I f*cking love it. I get a weird feeling in my stomach when I read or hear about it. It's strange how I feel about it.
- Yankee Candles. Oh my God, every time they come out with new scents, I'm the first to buy them, even if I don't particularly like the scent.
- Horror films. I'm morbid. I LOVE horror films. I could watch them 24/7...literally. I love the feeling they give me. I sound mental so I'd better shut up.
- Asian culture. I can go on about it for hours. I truly have a fascination with anything Asian. I can't explain it.
- My beautiful digital camera. I've taken it with me everywhere since I got it. I take pictures of everything I can find. It's my new best friend! ^_^
On to another matter: pet peeves. *sigh* There's so much that pisses me off. So much that I can't stand. Here's a list of just a few things I can't stand:
- When the TV is too loud and I can hear it from my bedroom. That is a sure-fire way for you to get told off by your's truely.
- Loud noises. I hate loud cars, motorcycles, and other crap that makes loud noises. I also hate loud music (except for techno). x_x
- When people make chewing noises while eatting. I've gotten annoyed with Beth over this many times.
- Cocky-ass people. I f*cking hate people who think they are better than everyone else. I could pull out a gun (if I had one) and shoot the hell out of them.
- Stupidity. I know this is rather mean, but I cannot stand being around stupid individuals. I know they probably can't help it, but it still annoys me badly. I have low tolerance for people who don't function on my level. I don't particularly like being this way, but I really can't help it. =(
I watched Three...Extremes II and it was incredibly boring. The first two segments were useless. They didn't do anything for me. The third segment, though, was pretty good. I was impressed with the direction. I think the director's name is Peter Chan(? I'll have to look on the DVD) I guess I'm partial to the first one, because of Miike's segment. But I can honestly say that the first one was better.
I started watching a Japanese film called "Dead Waves" but there was too much commotion so I cut it off and went to bed. What I've seen so far seems dull so I doubt the rest of it will be any better. BUT, I'll stick in there and finish it.
This pic is so cute! I took it in the backyard this morning. It's not clear but there's a little bumble bee on the flower covered in pollen.

12:39 p.m. - Saturday, Aug. 05, 2006


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