october-moon's Diaryland Diary


Why not put off today what you can do tomorrow?

Enigma: a puzzle, a mystery

Hmm..I believe I've heard that word before. Isn't that the name of a singer or group?

I took a couple of sleeping pills at about 12:30 this morning. Needless to say, they didn't work. Other wise, I wouldn't be sitting here typing this. lol I slept for about 4 hours, but I woke up almost every hour.

I've got a big, long to-do list today. I have to do laundry and clean. I have to get everything organized on my shelves. All the scattered things on the floor and shelves are annoying me badly, and when something you control annoys you, it's time to do something about it!

Yay, there's sunshine forecasted for my birthday. I remember, on my 17th birthday, it was raining and freezing cold outside. It wasn't the most pleasant day over all. I worked out on a tread mill (dont ask why I was working out on my birthday) and fell off. I got a nasty rug burn from that :P Let me tell you, rug burns hurt like a serious bitch and this was one nasty rug burn. It started bleeding.

Anyway, this year I'm hoping to just have a quiet day. I don't want anything fancy, just a day with my family. And peace. We need as much of that around this house as we can get.

I have to call dad to make plans for next weekend. I don't want to but I told him I'd be down, so what can I do? I love my father. I love him very much, but no matter how hard I try, he never holds up his end. Its as if I have to do all the work and I can't do that. I shouldn't have to.

He told me he bought me a Christmas gift. I'm almost afraid to imagine what it is. He doesn't know what I'm interested in so it couldn't be anything I would use. Gee, I need to stop complaining! Just be happy he wants to buy you a gift, Rhiannon. Just be happy he wants to acknowledge that you're alive!

Dad does most of the talking when we go out, anyway. I just sit there and nod my head and occasionally add a yes or no. The only time I really loosened up with him was back in October of 2002, when he took me to Red Lobster. I ordered some kind of alcoholic beverage and told him it was a slushie. I ended up sick that night, but at least I had enough balls to talk! And we were at Red Lobster, did he really think you could get slushies from Red Lobster? Wait, I forgot, this is the man that tried to eat a Frosty from Wendy's through a straw, so, yeah, maybe he really did think you could get slushies at Red Lobster.

About this big issue of gay marriage, what's the problem? Just because two people of the same sex don't conform to societies standards, they shouldn't be allowed to be unified by marriage? What does it matter if you love someone of the same sex? It's LOVE. Isn't the what everyone is suppost to have for each other (well, you know what I mean. I don't mean wanting to have a big, fat orgy with everyone in the world. I mean love in general)? If two people love each other, what does it matter? And I pray my mother never reads this. She would honestly have a stroke and a heart attack at the same time. I'm way too liberal for my good ol' mum.

I was wondering...can science clone dead people?

6:13 a.m. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2004


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