october-moon's Diaryland Diary


I used to eat cat food.

Is it mean to purposely try to get on someone's nerves to see if they'll break? Probably, but I do it anyways :D Yes, I can be mean, but what woman isn't mean sometimes? It's one of our many personalities. We're complex creatures, we are! I have so many moods and facets and personalities, I sometimes forget who I am.lol I'm Sybil!
It's Saturday night and I'm sitting at home! Usually it doesn't bother me, but I miss Azam and want to see him so badly and everything is really getting to me. I want to see him and be able to spend time with him, but I know that isn't possible. It hurts, nonetheless. I hear songs that remind me of him and I cry like a baby.
For some reason, I keep thinking about the bologna and ketchup sandwiches I used to eat when I was a little kid. I haven't had one in years, but the combination sounds completely repulsive now. This is coming from a girl who used to eat cat food when she was a baby:D I used to sneak outside and get into the cat's bowl and my mom would have a seizure over it (she has obsessive compulsive disorder). I've heard about it all my life. I'm scarred! I'll never be normal because I ate cat food as a young child:( Oh, the pain!

4:46 p.m.

I am being so completely mean to people today. I'm ready to tell Melissa to fuck off and my sister is about to get a big mouth full of curse words thrown in her direction. I don't have the patience for this shit today. I pray to to the God and Goddess that I never have a child who is slow. I'm afraid I would end up hurting them somehow if I lost my temper. Please never let this happen to me. I'd probably have to give the baby up to the state because I judt couldn't handle it.
I want a baby so badly and if my child has something wrong, I think I would break. I couldn't handle it. I would feel like I failed once again. For me, it would be the ultimate failure. I know how my mom and my sister must feel. It's so despairing. I feel their pain and I feel their frustration. I wish I could make it better for both of them, but the God and Goddess have sent the special children into our lives for a reason. Life without Cameron would be completely dull.
I guess I don't have to worry about that right now. I'm not pregnant and won't be for a while (I hope lol.)I'm definitely not ready for a baby yet.
Laura is back from New York City!Woo hoo! I missed her SOO much and I'm so happy she is back. She said she had a great time and wished I had been there. I wish the same too! But I'm glad she had a good time and I'm even more glad she is home so we can talk again. I can't wait for her to come and visit!

1:41 a.m. - Sunday, Apr. 10, 2005


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