october-moon's Diaryland Diary


I hate it when that happens!

Oh. My. God. I just typed out a long entry and it all got messed up somehow. *sighs* Oh well, I guess I'll just started over.
Sometimes I really dislike Diaryland. It isn't very convenient, but then again, I love it for it's flexibility as far as designs goes. It's all I know as far as my blogging goes. I've never had a serious journal anywhere but on Diaryland and I've been on this site for almost 2 1/2 years. I just wish it was more flexible as far as the ways you can add entries. LiveJournal had an application that allows you to add entries from your Desktop. I would love it if Diaryland has something like that. Does anybody know why they don't?
I've been sleeping for no more than 4 hours at a time recently. I go to bed around 12 a.m., wake up around 4 a.m., and I can't get to sleep until around 9 a.m. And by then it's too late to go back to sleep! I don't know what the problem is. Well, I take that back. I take big long naps during the day when I'm not even tired and I force myself to sleep. I don't wait until I'm REALLY tired anymore. When I yawn, I think "Oh, it's time for a nap!" It's a pathetic attempt to escape dealing with my life.
I got my rosary and Son of Psalm (lol) lip balm from GothRosary.com. I love both items, but I made a major boo-boo while ordering my rosary. I specified AB Black beads instead of Jet Black. AB stands for Aurora Borealis, I believe, because the beads are black with a blue/green/gold shine to them. I meant to order just plain black! Oh well. It doesn't matter. I still love it so much. The Son of Psalm lip balm is AWESOME! It smells SO good and it really soffens my lips. I won't leave home without it now. lol I can't wait to order more from the business. I adore the owner, Anti-Sally. She is fantastic woman and this has quickly become my favorite places to shop, online or off. If you haven't checked it out, you must!

7:26 p.m.

We're about to get a huge thunderstorm. Or at least I think we are. The sky is dark and the winds blowing. Perhaps I'm just hoping we'll get a massive thunderstorm. I tried looking on Weather.com but they said that the weather is sunny here right now :| How more "off" can they be?
My birth control pills have been causing some major depression. And I take anti-depressants. What's the point of taking anti-depressants if the birth control is just going to over-ride them? I was thinking of going off the birth control but then my cycle will get thrown off completely once again and that gets annoying. Let's see..would I rather be depressed and have my period or be happy and not have a period? Many women would say "To hell with your period. Why not be happy?!" but to be, having a menstrual cycle is a blessing. It's part of being a woman. We share this cycle with the Moon and it's an honor.

5:14 a.m. - Sunday, Aug. 28, 2005


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