october-moon's Diaryland Diary


I'm on cloud 9

I just saw the most amazing Asian horror film called "A Tale of Two Sisters". It blew me away! I sat for over an hour and a half without taking my eyes off the tv screen.
I expected it to be a good film but I didn't expect it to be that good. The plot of the film is basically about two sisters who are in a hospital for a certain length of time then they come home. The step mother is a seriously nasty bitch who doesn't get along with either of the sisters. There's so many twists and turns in the plot and the ending is absolutely unexpected. I'm going to have to watch it again (and very soon!) to understand it completely, though.
Want to hear something even more amazing? I found the DVD in the "2 DVD's for $11" bin at Wal-Mart! I had heard of the film before and knew that it was a hit in Asian horror (which I'm growing to absolutely LOVE) and I didn't imagine I would find it at Wal-Mart in a bargain bin. And guess what other film I found in the bin: "The Hours". My God, I was in awe at why "The Hours" was in a damn bargain bin! So, I bought both "The Hours" and "A Tale of Two Sisters" for $11. I'm still amazed at what a bargain it was for 2 great DVD's. I could shop at Wal-Mart every day of my life if they always had deals like that.
Okay, now that I'm done rambling about bargains, let me give you a real jaw-dropper. Gavin and I were talking last night. And we got into our usually heated discussion, which is basically me telling him off for some stupid reason. He told me how much had looked forward to talking to me last night and I felt so bad for bitching at him. I asked him why he puts up with my bull-shit and he said that he cares very much for me. He said that he may like me more than he wants to admit. Sooo, we got into a long discussion about feelings and how we felt about each other. We ended up talking for 3 hours about it! He said he didn't quite understand his feelings for me. That he's confused. I told him it wasn't a huge deal. It's not something he has to decide on in one night. I've known that he likes me for a long time, though. I could just tell. He's scared to admit him. I explained how I feel about him. I think he's completely awesome, despite some of the stupid things he does. lol I'd move to England just to spend time with him if I could. I had to admit to him that I was jealous back when he was dating that Tracy chick (the married woman). Quite honestly, I wish he hadn't gotten involved with her. Not because I was jealous but because it turned out to do nothing for him. The bitch broke his heart.
To top the whole day off, which I thought was going to be a bad day, I got a call from Azam! He told me that he had been so worried about me and that he misses me. I thought he had forgotten about me and he thought I had forgotten him. I was sooo happy to hear his voice. I love to hear him talk in his native tongue. It's mysterious to me.
I'm on cloud 9 tonight. Really, I am. I feel the best I have for such a long time.

3:32 a.m. - Sunday, Sept. 04, 2005


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