october-moon's Diaryland Diary


My schedule for Fall!

Wowzers..I havent written since Tuesday. O_O Not that much has happened though...
Keyboarding was from 1 to 5:15 p.m. on Wednesday. The evening classes seem to go on forever and I really don't like 'em. The main thing I like about the morning classes is I get up and get it over with and I have the rest of the day to sit around and do nothing. x_x
Today, Ashley's medical terms class has some sort of "party" and everyone brought in food. They (I mean peeps from the medical terms class) told us we could come in and get some grub. They had pretty much everything so I went and stuffed my face...then it was back to learning the same shit I should have learned last week but I'm so damn slow that I had to have it explained to me once again.
While I was over in the medical terms class stuffing my face, Ashley came over and was like "You should ask John if we ever dated and see what he says. Don't mention what I told you about sleeping with him and see what he says." So, I take my crap and go back into the Math room and John walks in and I asked him if he had ever dated Ashley. His face got SOOO red. Oh My God! And he said "Maybe". Then he got up and went over to the medical terms room and I snuck over and was watching them. I interupted them in a the middle of a juicy convo and I could tell John was a little pissed. lol I told Ashley that I needed to talk to her in the hall and I told her what he said and she was hella embarrassed. It was the funniest shit I've seen in a while.
They act as if its a big deal that they've had sex. I've had sex. Wow! I've had sex with more than once. WOW! I'll admit it. Who cares. O_O I lost my virginity at the age of 13 at friggin' band practice in a broom closet. I wonder if they could top that. *ponders* I like Ashley and John. They're both awesome, but they're both such airhead. They seem perfect for each other. ^ ^
I took a nice, LONG bath tonight. I was soaking in my Message in a Bottle bubble bath, which is the shit, and relaxing It was awesome and I do mean awesome.
They had the visitation for Chris, the kid nearly my age that was burnt to death. I was going to go but I decided to stay home and take a bath. Does that make me a cold bitch?
I got the Math exam back today. Jesus, how did I get an 80, which is a B-?! Please tell me how I got an 80 when I missed like 10 questions out of 50! Someone was watching over me. O_O I still have a shot at Honors List if I get A's on all the finals, plus the portfolio. *crosses fingers*
My schedule changed today. I am now a full-time student! ^ ^ I will be taking 4 classes next quarter: Financial Investments, Business Psychology, Windows (why do we need a class on Windows?!O_O), and Word Processing I. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. A 3-day weekend! ^ ^ Go me! My original schedule was Business Psychology, Communications I, and Word Processing I. I would have had a 4-day weekend *sighs* And I won't have any classes with Ashley next quarter now, since I won't be taking Com I and that is the only class we would have had with each other next quarter. :( But John and I still have the same classes. I don't know if he'll be taking Financial Investments though. I feel better knowing that he will be in the same classes because I know him and it's better to know someone in the class than to feel completely alone O_O I panic when that happens.
I'm taking my make-up off and heading to bed. Oyasuminasai!

9:21 p.m. - Friday, Sept. 08, 2006


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